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Saturday Afternoon

Thoughtful articles on power dynamics, society, and human sexuality. Reading material for when you're not otherwise predisposed.

Photo of cliff gap by Farnoosh Abdollahi on Unsplash

The Orgasm Gap Continues To Widen, But Here’s What You Can Do To Close It In Your Bedroom

Is the female orgasm as elusive as many people imagine? And what can you and your partner do to ensure that you’re equally receiving pleasure in the bedroom? Tabby Kibugi explores these questions and more in the latest installment of Saturday Afternoon.

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Want to write for Saturday Afternoon?

We are on the hunt for stories and opinion pieces that have surprising things to say about kink, culture, and power dynamics. We're interested in powerful ideas, expressed beautifully - so don't worry too much about hitting a target length or speaking to a specific topic. While our natural starting point is sex, kink, and relationships, nothing exists in a vacuum. We are just as happy to see film & TV analyses through an erotic lens as we are to see personal essays about desire.

If you prefer to send us a short proposal beforehand to see if your idea is something we'd be interested in, we'd be happy to let you know if you're on the right track.

Send all submissions to and feel free to contact us with any questions. If your piece is accepted, you will be paid $100. Accepted articles will be featured on our blog and social media. They will remain attributed to you (unless you prefer to contribute anonymously).